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Saturday 2 June 2012


Here is the list of weird food around the world that we manage to get.

  1. Snake Wine from Vietnam

          It originated in Vietnam, where snakes are thought to possess medicinal qualities, but it has spread to other parts of South East Asia and Southern China. Snake blood wine on the other hand is made by slicing the belly of the snake to let the blood drain into the wine and this is served immediately.
The snake is left to steep in the rice wine for many months to let the poison dissolve in the wine. The ethanol makes the venom inactive so it is not dangerous, and snake wine supposedly has many health benefits. It has a slightly pink colour like a nice rose because of the snake blood in there.

     2. Puffin Heart from Iceland


In Iceland, however, these seabirds have been a source of sustenance for Icelanders on the islands for centuries. Iceland is home to one of the world’s largest colonies of puffins and ‘sky fishing’ is a sport which involves catching the low flying birds in a big net.
Puffins are eaten by breaking their necks, skinning them and then eating the fresh heart raw. Puffin is supposed to be delicious like a fishier version of chicken or duck. It is often smoked, grilled or pan-fried. TV chef Gordon Ramsey caused quite a stir when he was seen eating this rare delicacy on TV.

      3. Casu Marzu from Sardinia

This Sardinian cheese is a cheese with a difference; it’s riddled with insect larvae. “Casu Marzu” means ‘rotten cheese’ and is most commonly referred to as ‘maggot cheese.’ It’s now banned for health reasons but can still be available on the black market in Sardinia and Italy.
The sheep’s milk cheese is basically Pecorino, which has had the larvae of the cheese fly, Piophila casei, introduced to it. Fermentation occurs as the larvae digest the cheese fats, and the texture becomes very soft with some liquid seeping out. The cheese has to be eaten when the maggots are still alive because when they are dead it is considered to be toxic.
Since the larvae can jump if they are disturbed, diners have to shield their eyes or place the cheese in a sealed paper bag until the maggots are starved of oxygen and die. Health issues have arisen in relation to Casu Marzu, including reports of allergic reactions and the danger of consuming cheese that has advanced to a toxic state. There’s also some risk of intestinal larval infection.

       4. Balut from Philippines

Balut are duck eggs that have been incubated until the fetus is all feathery and beaky, and then boiled alive. The bones give the eggs a uniquely crunchy texture.
They are enjoyed in Cambodia, Philippines and the fifth and seventh levels of hell. They are typically sold by street vendors at night, out of buckets of warm sand. 

        5. Escamoles from Mexico


Escamoles are the eggs of the giant black Liometopum ant, which makes its home in the root systems of maguey and agave plants. Collecting the eggs is a uniquely unpleasant job, since the ants are highly venomous and have some kind of blood grudge against human orifices.
The eggs have the consistency of cottage cheese. The most popular way to eat them is in a taco with guacamole.


A food allergy is an adverse immune response to a food protein. They are distinct from other adverse responses to food, such as food intolerance, pharmacological reactions, and toxin-mediated reactions.

Signs and symptoms

  • Hives
  • Itching of mouth, lips, tongue, throat, eyes, skin, or else areas
  • Swelling (angioedema) of lips, tongue, eyelids, or the whole face
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Runny or congested nose
  • Hoarse voice
  • Wheezing and/or shortness of breath
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain and/or stomach cramps
  • Light-headedness
  • Fainting
  • nausea

swelling on face

Symptoms of allergies vary from person to person. The amount of food needed to trigger a reaction also varies from person to person.

Common Allergies

  •  Peanut allergies may be severe, but children with peanut allergies sometimes outgrow them. Tree nuts, including pecans, pistachios, pine nuts, and walnuts, are also common allergens.
  •  seeds allergies, including sesame seeds and poppy seeds, contain oils where protein is present, which may elicit an allergic reaction.
  • Egg allergies affect about one in fifty children but are frequently outgrown by children when they reach age five. Typically the sensitivity is to proteins in the white, rather than the yolk.


The mainstay of treatment for food allergy is avoidance of the foods that have been identified as allergens. For people who are extremely sensitive, this may involve the total avoidance of any exposure with the allergen, including touching or inhaling the problematic food as well as touching any surfaces that may have come into contact with it.

If the food is accidentally ingested and a systemic reaction (anaphylaxis) occurs, then epinephrine should be used. It is possible that a second dose of epinephrine may be required for severe reactions.[citation needed]
There are treatments for an allergic reaction. Among the first time the reaction occurs, it is most beneficial to take the person to the emergency room, where proper action may be taken. Other treatments include: epinephrine, antihistamines, and steroids.


Some kids prefer sandwiches without crusts, while others only like plain hamburgers. Kids can be picky eaters, but there are several meals that always seem to be winners.
Yet, these meals are not always filled with the nutrition that kids need. The United States Department of Agriculture's dietary guidelines for Americans lays out specific 
Yet, these meals are not always filled with the nutrition that kids need. The United States Department of Agriculture's dietary guidelines for Americans lays out specific calorie counts and food group amounts for kids based on age, gender and exercise levels. For example, an 8-year-old female with less than 30 minutes of exercise should have about 1,400 calories per day made up of 5 ounces of grains, 1.5 cups of vegetables, 1.5 cups of fruit, 2 cups of milk and 4 ounces of protein.

Groups of Food for Kids:

  • Go Foods

          These are foods that are good to eat almost anytime. They are the healthiest ones. Example: skim and low-fat milk.

  • Slow Foods

        These are sometimes foods. They aren't off-limits, but they shouldn't be eaten every day. At most, eat them several times a week. Example: waffles and pancakes.

  • Whoa Foods

          These foods should make you say exactly that — Whoa! Should I eat that? Whoa foods are the least healthy and the most likely to cause weight problems, especially if a person eats them all the time. That's why Whoa foods are once-in-a-while foods. Example: French fries.

Friday 1 June 2012



Cuisine in Johor is influenced by Arabs and cultures of the surrounding Maritime Southeast Asia. Some dishes are a blend of ingredients not found anywhere else in Malaysia. Due to their difficult and sometimes complicated recipes, some can only be sampled during celebrations and state banquets.
  • Laksa Johor is from Johor. It differs from Laksa Penang by having coconut milk added during cooking. It also differs from other laksas by using spaghetti instead of rice-based noodles.
  • Mee Bandung Muar is also a dish originated from Johor, specifically from Muar. The term 'bandung' is not derived from Bandung, Indonesia but is a term for anything that is mixed from many ingredients. One of the most important ingredient is dried shrimp.
  • Mee rebus is the famous noodle dish which consists of Mee (a spaghetti like mixture of flour, salt and egg) and is served with a tangy, spicy brown sauce. Usually crumbs and boiled eggs are added.
  • Satay – is a popular food in Malaysia. Made from marinated meat or chicken and burnt on charcoal grill. Cooked satay is dipped in special peanut sauce. A favourite Malay food in Johor, mostly found in Johor Bahru and Muar.
  • File:Satay Senibong.jpg

  • Telur pindang – Eggs boiled together with herbs and spices, popular during wedding feasts in Johor.
  • Roti Jala or Roti Kirai – The name is derived from the Malay word 'roti' (bread) and 'jala' (net). A special ladle with a five-hole perforation used to make the bread looks like a fish net (picture in the works). It is usually eaten spicy with curry or sweet with 'serawa'. Serawa is made from a mixture of boiled coconut milk, brown sugar and pandan leaf.
  • Nasi Beriani Gam – A biryani rice dish originating from India with a cooking method very similar to Hyderabad biryani but with spices adjusted to suit the Malay palate. This dish is very popular in Batu Pahat District.
  • Otak-otak – Steamed/Grilled fish cake usually served wrapped in sticks of coconut leaves. Two of the most popular varieties are Otak-otak Muar (spicy) and Otak-otak Gelang Patah (sweet).


Kelantan Darul Naim is not only known with its variety of cultural but also famous with its unique food. For centuries, the originality of the taste made by the ancestors is not changed. For those who come to visit here must try these traditional food. You will not forget the taste and for sure you will dream to have it again.

Nasi Kerabu

The nasi kerabu is mix of herbs, the rice is cooked with many types of herbs.There are also finely sliced "daun kesom" a strong, minty, and peppery flavor laksa leaf, sliced "bunga kantan" torch ginger flower, sliced small onions, slice cucumber, beansprout, fish floss and fish crackers.This rice dish is a regional specialty from Kelantan and sometimes the rice is tinted blue from petals of flowers called bunga telang (clitoria). These herbal rice and those vege is good for detoxification.Other famous food are Nasi Dagang, Nasi Kerabu , Nasi Berlauk, Nasi Tumpang, Laksa Kelantan, Laksam, Ayam Percik, etc.


Laksam is flat rice noodles,based on rice powder and served with coconut milk gravy with finely-blended fish (ikan selayang) ,shrimp paste and garnish with raw vegetables like shredded cucumber, long beans, bean sprout and cabbage. They usually have it for breakfast but you still can have it anytime during the day, ...lunch...tea time or even for dinner. If you go to Kelantan you'll easily find it being sold at the fresh market or by the road side especially in the morning.


Budu, a fermented anchovy sauce that is used as a flavoring, added with chilli, onions & lemon juice and eaten with rice, fried fish and 'ulam' (assortment of herbs) such as long beans, pucuk paku or fiddlehead fern. 'Ulam' and the fish are dipped into the brownish condiment, and eaten with rice. The salty and sourish taste can get very addictive as most people tend to add rice when eating this! And apparently, this ancient sauce is considered to be full of anti-oxidants and potential free radical fighters. It is high in protein and uric acid content, thus not recommended for people with gout or hypertension.

Solok Lada
The unique of this type of food is where the filling is placed inside the chilly. The filling is made from flesh coconut, fish fillet and coconut milk. This tasty food is suitable to take with nasi kerabu which is also Kelantan traditional food.


laksa sarawak..

prawn umai..